Saturday, October 16, 2010

My First Metro Strike

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week I had the pleasure of experiencing a transportation strike.  The French are notorious for protesting against various social changes.  This one is actually very sensitive to the country.  The French govern,net is trying to increase the age that people can retire and get a full pension from the system.  It is an attempt to balance the finances of their system.  

The strike itself was relatively quite.  Every other metro train was cancelled so you had a lot of riders.  I have never seen so many people jammed into a metro car in my life.  For the first time in a long time I was happy that I'm as big as I am because people can't easily push against me to gain more space to put more people.  I saw some small framed people get jammed into the tightest little laces.  We couldn't even lift our arms it was so tight.  Nonetheless I made to and from work on time and with very little aggravation.  I have observed the ridership the past two weeks and I think I have a good system to ensure easy on / off and maintain some sanity during the crowded moments.  Stay near the doors, in the corners and open the windows be open.

To really appreciate Paris you have ride the metro.  I have no problem with this, but I can't wait to have my car.  Coming in the next. Few weeks...

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