Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Paris Live - a post by Jill

Bonjour!  I have been back in Paris for two weeks now and for the most part, I am content and happy...trying to live out my New Year's resolution of enjoying all that Paris life has to offer without obsessing about the little things that can really drag me down!  I do need more practice because I have lived 48 years obsessing and worrying...living in the moment and enjoying what I'm living does not come easy~I NEED  more practice!!!  I know many of you can't comprehend this, but there are a few of you out there who can relate to what I am saying.... Much of the time I take a deep breath and think, "OK, this isn't what we in the U.S. think is normal or appropriate but just because it is different doesn't mean its wrong!"  Well, the dog poop on the sidewalks and roadways is wrong~I won't bend on that and I think Kyrstin will agree...she really hated all the dog doo!!!!  And, the heads on my food are not a shock anymore...deep breath and deal with it!

In Paris most of the apartments or flats have window ledges with black wrought iron rails...very pretty and decorative!  Most of these ledges are decorated with plants, flowers or small trees depending on the size of the ledge (or balcony).  So of course, Mark and I wanted some sort of flowers for our windows.  While Bryan and Kyrstin were visiting we went down to the local flower shop (there are many shops, but we have a really nice shop at the end of our street called Monceau Fleurs) and bought plants for our window ledges that face the street.  I don't know what we bought because the plants weren't labeled and my speaking skills are not so good(didn't know how to ask), but they are little tree/bush type things with small green leaves and yellow flowers sprouting out all willy-nilly...no order to them, just chaos and they make my happy:-)  Mark and I also picked up a couple of camelia bushes for the ledges as well and they will soon (buds are big and starting to open) have beautiful red flowers...but as a side note, we got in trouble again with our concierge, Fatima!! Right after I watered the plants, the excess water having dripped down to the sidewalk below (one window just happens to be right above the front door of our building) making the sidewalk wet, our doorbell rang!!!  It was Fatima...I ran back into the kitchen and let Mark deal with her~she only speaks french and is a little intimidating!!!  Anyway, she was concerned because the police could come and we would be in trouble...the wet sidewalk could make someone slip and fall!! Oh...okay, but all the dog poop on the sidewalk is safe?!?!   Our American minds didn't get it, but we are grinning.......

The past two days have been beautiful weather wise....Yes, the trees are budding, flowers are blooming and it feels like Spring.  Right now the sun is shining on my beautiful plants and it is bright and cheerful.  I am sure we still have cold weather to come, but today is nice and I will enjoy it!  I decided to go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine before it disappeared...the air is warm and the park is full of little children with their parents, grandparents or nannies.  The children were having a ball playing on the playground, tossing or kicking balls and shouting with delight!  Violets and pansies are in full bloom, birds are singing...it is early February!!!  I am sorry for all of you still suffering the wrath of old man winter!!!  I promise to enjoy this early spring enough for all...

Mark has to travel to Barcelona, Spain on mercredi (Wednesday) and I will be tagging along...he has always enjoyed his travels to Barcelona so I am excited!!!  It looks so lovely in pictures, right on the Mediterranean sea~my first time to see the Mediterranean:-)  Anyway he has to work jeudi (Thursday) and vendridi (Friday) and then we will travel to Prades, France by rental car.  Prades is a small village in the south of France just north of the Spanish border at the base of the Pyrenne Mountains...it should be amazingly beautiful!!!  Hoping to see grape vines growing on the hills and the small local color of this very petite French town.  We are staying in a bed and breakfast...traveling home on dimanche (Sunday) by plane!  Mardi prochain (next Tuesday) we will be going to Italy~Milano (is that where Mario Batalli is from?) and Rome!!  Mark will be working mercredi, jeudi and vendridi, but we will stay for the entire weekend in Rome.  We are taking the high speed train from Milano to Rome~another first for me!  I am excited...got lots to do-cleaning, ironing and packing,,,we leave demain soir (tomorrow evening)!!! 

A tout a l'heure (see you later)....Jill

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how cool Jill. You made me laugh so hard about the watering of plants. Thats so funny, but Im sure going threw it at the time wasnt so funny. When you come home, dont you say come over for coffee on Jeudi, because I will show up on Dimanche ! LOL :) Love and miss you guys, Kelley
