Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some thoughts and ramblings on Paris: A blog by Jill

I forgot to mention in my last blog...after arriving in Charles DeGaulle airport from Italy, we found much of the airport closed off by many, many police.  There did not seem to be any stress or anxiety among the police officers, so I assume they were awaiting the arrival of someone actor/actress or political figure.  We still don't know what transpired, but we couldn't get to our usual taxi stand.  We found another taxi and headed home.  After a long ride in which the taxi driver seemed to/did take us out of our way and 10 euros more than usual to get home, Mark frustrated and feeling a little taken advantage of, got out of the taxi and promptly stepped in dog poop...welcome home, honey!!!
...much to my surprise, sushi has become one of my go to comfort foods!  In the states it wasn't anything I really cared to eat.  I would try it occasionally, but was never impressed.  We have a restaurant appropriately named Sushi Passy(la cuisine japonaise a deguster sur place ou a emporter) just around the corner from our apartment.  It always has a crowd, so Mark took Matt there when he was here in January...Mark knew I would need to have someone scope it out before I tried it.  Anyway, they enjoyed it, so being of a much more adventurous nature in Paris than home, I agreed to try it!  Of course, I played it safe the first time...california rolls, brochettes(meat on a stick) and rice.  All meals come with a mushroom broth soup and a cabbage styled salad with black sesame seeds~yummo!!!  It was sooooooo good!  I finally learned how to use chopsticks...I even ate the rice with them!  It takes much concentration, constant finger readjustment and a few cramps, but it is fun and I enjoy it!!!  Again, the second time we went, I played it safe...same meal as before.  But the third time I tried sushi(rice with raw saumon/salmon, dourade/white fish and thon/tuna).  It was yummo...really good!!!  I am trying to work up the courage to try sashimi!  I'll let you know how that goes....
My flowers on our window ledge are doing beautifully!  The bushes with the cheerful yellow flowers are getting tres grandes!  And our gorgeous camelias are blooming.  The great part is we can see them from inside the apartment too!  The most amazing of all is that our orchid is still doing great!  Orchids are everywhere in Paris, so we bought one for the apartment.  Il est tres jolie!!!  However, the azalea Mark bought before I came back to Paris is on its deathbed, I think.  We have two azaleas at home that aren't growing so well either...maybe we/I just can't grow azaleas:(  Right now I have two huge vases full of purple tulips!  They are so pretty and spring-like!!  Having so many flowers in he house is very nice:)!
Mark's friend from high school and his wife are coming to Paris for vacation/work and we are planning to get together for drinks on Saturday and dinner later in the week.  I am looking forward to this even though I don't know them.  I know him by name and I think he lived next door to my cousins when we were little!  I don't know why I believe this or even if its true but that is what my brain is telling me!   Anyway...
Mark leaves for an overnight trip to Algeria on sunday morning!  I will spend two days and a night by myself in Paris...not sure how this is going to go, but I believe I will manage okay if we find an english bookstore~have heard of one on rue de Rivoli...going this weekend!  We are also in search of an air mattress.  We heard we might find one in BVH, a hardware type store, which is also on rue de Rivoli.  We shall see...
Looks like we may be going back to Spain in April!!!  We will be going to Madrid this time for Mark's monthly meeting...we will leave friday afternoon and spend the weekend before the meeting on monday and tuesday!!!  I might be able to enjoy that!!
Kate will be arriving soon!  I can't wait!!!  I look forward to spending an entire week with her...she has no where else to go or anyone else to do anything with...just me and her daddy!  I should be careful with what I say~Kate may change her mind and not come to visit(ha-ha)!  We will be celebrating her 19th birthday with her on March 17th~what fun!!!  Have I mentioned that the drinking age is 16 if you are with your parents and at 18 you are legally able to purchase alcohol...the good news is she doesn't have any money so she won't be purchasing anything!!!
Guess that's all...a toute a l'heure!

1 comment:

  1. Its so cool that you can have flowers now and watch them grow.. Another single digit day for us tomorrow with more snow this weekend. Very glad you are liking sushi,, you will love the sashimi at that place in victor I told you about, we will have to go when you get home. Have a great time with Kate, oh boy, watch your wallet,,, go for the shoes and purses Kate! K :)
